For the past decade or so I have been the passenger in my own life.
Slave to my kids, my spouse's ever changing work schedule, and my Mother.
I was never driving.
I was riding shot gun.
Never fully in control of what was going on around me. Merely a victim of circumstance.
Having to go with the flow, and follow suit of what was happening around me.
Bending and contorting to appease those around me.
After years of feeling less than prioritized, I am happy to take myself back and get in the driver's seat.
I have decided I am worthy of demands. It is ok to go where I want to go, do what I want to do, believe what I want to believe.
I am reclaiming my life and letting everyone know.
It's my schedule now, my time, my agenda, my desires.
I am once again the pilot, confident in my convictions, feeling more than worthy of taking back the controls.
I am no longer a fatality of circumstance, but a cartographer ready to draw the map, and chart MY course.
Knowing what I need, want and deserve.
Knowing I am not asking too much.
I never was.