When we start over, the slate must be wiped clean.
We need to rebrand, reinvent.
We need to figure out how to rebuild attitudes, feelings, beliefs, appearances.
This takes time, effort and thought.
It takes a great deal of care, and curation.
When we rejoin the world, who are we going to show? Who will be introduced?
Who will we resemble? What will our trademark be?
As my birthday approaches tomorrow, I find no better time.
To rebranding my life.
Learning from my past mistakes. Studying how to never repeat them. Determined to not fall victim again.
Aspiring to become a heroine.
A makeover. A redo. A transformation.
I want a brand that people will talk about when I leave the room, on a positive note, with huge grins.
I will be authentic. I will be accountable. I will remind the world why I am special. Necessary. Important.
I want the collective impression to be in awe.
Utter amazement.
And you can bet I will enter that room with pink on.
Get ready World, you won't know what hit you.