Can we be so damaged by our past, and so worried about our futures, that we forget the present?
It can be very hard to put away negative memories.
It's just as hard to not get lost imagining and dreaming about where we will end up in the future.
Yet, what I have found is that the hardest thing to do sometimes, is to merely enjoy the present.
Enjoy what is happening right in front of you. Unfolding before your very eyes. How do we remind ourselves to do this?
I don't have an answer, but I can try and be more mindful. I can try and remind myself not to get stuck in the past with the would haves and could haves. I can try and stop predicting what my future holds, because the truth is, if I don't focus on the present, the future won't matter, and conversely, me dwelling on the past won't change it.
What I can change is what I do now.
What I can change is my attitude.
What I can change is my gratitude.
So often we think about what we don't have, that we miss what we do have, right in front of our very eyes.
Stop looking at your neighbors grass. Water your own.
Don't worry about what you have done, or what you will do, but what you are DOING NOW.
It's easy to get lost in hurt and sadness, I know, trust me. It's easy to live in the past. So put away the past and let the future go. Instead open that present, the now.
Life gets stressful. It comes in ebbs and flows.
Don't forget to take in the now.