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The Parent Trap.

Updated: Dec 31, 2021

I was recently reminded that the hardest part of parenting, is just that, PARENTING.

Saying no, disciplining, and occasionally letting your children feel the sting of failure, disappointment, and being let down.

Not always getting their way.

It does not service anyone to appease a child constantly.

Nor does it set a child up for success.

What it does, is create is a self centered child who will surely fail when exposed to life's oh so harsh realities.

It subconsciously tells a child that the world revolves around them, in turn giving that child a rise to a lack of respect for those around them.

Without holding children to standards and making them accountable, good luck finding a job.

The more meltdowns and preferences we give into, the more we fail our children.

Life surely doesn't cater to us, so why do we find the need to do it for our kids?

Yet, it isn't easy to take this harder road, but nothing that is worth it, usually is.

I implore parents to hold children accountable. Own their shit. And correct them when it gets out of hand.

Because if we don't, we are surely creating a generation of lazy kids, who expect everything to go their way, and have a serious lack of respect for those around them.

And guess what?

That is NOT how life works.

So while at the time it may seem easier to give into a meltdown, the long run will prove you oh so wrong.

In the end, leaving no winners.

It is ok, and sometimes necessary to exert our authority as adults, whether that means they temporarily hate us or not.

If we give into to every whim, we are robbing them of the most basic of life's emotions and experiences.

They will grow up to not understand empathy, compassion, or sympathy, and with this, we have allowed them to subconsciously, only think of themselves.

No one likes a narcist.

Trust me on this one.

Unless of course, you are content knowing your children will be forever living with you in your basement, void of the most basic life skills.

A firm hand and level headed guidance hasn't hurt anyone yet, to my knowledge.

In fact, I think if you asked some of the most successful people out there, they would probably have one thing in common.

They had discipline.

Being tough, doesn't need to mean torture.

What it can mean however, is a well rounded child.

One who will be equipped with respect, and prepared for what may be waiting down the pike.

So may we not find ourselves afraid of serving a good ol' slice of humble pie every now and again.

Just a thought.



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