With smart phones, has come the privilege of supreme secrecy.
And with the covertness it allows, it has given many, perhaps too many, easy access to massive amounts of porn.
In essence, with the smart phone, has come the death of romance.
The birth of an affair that doesn't require dinner.
The end of a truthful relationship.
It has stolen human interaction, and passion.
Squashed it.
Killed it.
Created a realm of fantasy, most people can never compete with.
Generated a perverted sense of carnal knowledge.
Provided the falsest of narratives.
A completely distorted sense of real life.
Skewing reality.
Ultimately destroying those in its path.
Both the watcher and the partner.
Wrecking human interplay, and connection.
The intimacy.
The bond.
The affection.
The abundance of it being available, lending itself to cataclysmic results..
Seemingly starting out innocently, but quickly leading down a much darker and more vicious road.
Taking down anything in its course.
Including real life partnerships.
Steamrolling them.
Human attachments being replaced with unrealistic notions.
Setting a course for a model, that can never be achieved.
Poisonous ideals generated.
Creating bonds with an artificial world,
Damaging the ability to maintain a heathy real life relationship, because you are now unable to answer to your partners pragmatic and normal needs.
Be careful.
Innocence can only be held accountable for so long.
Before the blame can be squarely placed on you.
And it should be.